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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I have always loved to cook.  There have been many occasions when I didn't really want to cook, but throughout my life being in the kitchen has been a place of joy for me.  It's my parents' fault, really.  Mom had me baking cookies before I was in school.  Then Dad took over the cooking when I was 8 years-old.  I would walk home for lunch, he would make me a meatloaf sandwich on homemade whole wheat bread, and we would watch Graham Kerr doing crazy things in his kitchen.  I was inspired.

As an adult, I started collecting cookbooks.  Fortunately, I married a man who was willing to try new things.  My goal for the first 6 years of our life together was never to eat the same thing twice in a month. We were vegetarians for a few years, which really made us have to think and plan everything we ate. It was a terrific culinary adventure.

Then we started watching cooking shows together. The Frugal Gourmet really influenced  how we thought about food.  Then the Food Network came along ... We dropped HBO and sat in front of the t.v. with pen and paper, ready to take notes.  Some couples go to the movies, we made popcorn and watched Alton Brown.  The science behind food is fascinating to both of us.  My husband eventually took his adventure into the garage to brew beer, and I made anything I could out of the spent grain.  Those were great feasts!

Let me just say now that I adore Ina Garten. I found her show, The Barefoot Contessa, when we lived in New England, and I love everything she does.  Even the stuff that isn't gluten-free.  You'll see her influence in my recipes. I hope she doesn't mind that my blog is somewhat of a parody on her name.  It is done so with great admiration and love.

The last 13 years of family-hood has been a challenge for us in the food department.  We've battled food allergies and all sorts of conditions that require creativity beyond anything I ever imagined.  Gluten and lactose seem to be the two big dudes we have to avoid.  Thank goodness our options for living without them have multiplied exponentially in the last decade!

I truly believe that health begins in the kitchen and that being healthy requires us to eat food that is made from fresh ingredients.  Making those things that typically come in a package from the grocery store isn't really that difficult.  It takes time and planning and a willingness to experiment.

That is what this blog is about ... my culinary experiments. I hope you enjoy what I have to share and that you will comment freely when the mood strikes you. 

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