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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gluten-Free Homemade Coffee Creamer

It was really scary this morning when we woke up and realized there was only enough half-and-half in the refrigerator for one cup of coffee.  Since I've been seeing recipes for homemade coffee creamer all over Pinterest, I decided to be brave and try one.  Many of them call for sweetened condensed milk.  I don't usually keep that in my pantry because it just has too much sugar for my taste.  I wanted my creamer to be fairly neutral in sweetness so I could adjust each cup individually depending on what I want each day.

Here's what I used:

1 12-oz. can evaporated milk
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 Tablespoon vanilla

Mix in a glass jar using a stick blender.  Store in the refrigerator.


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Shredded Pork

Whether it's a hot summer day by the pool or a cold winter evening, shredded pork always hits the spot. My parents got me hooked on this about ten years ago with a different recipe, and I've been tweaking it to meet my family's taste.  We serve this tangy, southwest treat on buns, with onion slices, dill pickles, cheddar cheese, and mustard as condiments.  Since it slow-cooks all day, your work is done by 8:00 a.m. and you have all day to smell it cooking. Pure torture, I tell you!

Start with a 3 pound pork loin - the leaner, the better. Place it in the crock pot.

Next, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy skillet on medium-high while you dice a sweet, yellow onion.  You need about 2 cups.  Add the onions to the heated oil and stir to coat in the oil.  Mince 2 extra-large cloves of fresh garlic and add them to the onions.  Continue to saute these fabulous aromas for a couple of minutes.  Once the onions begin to turn clear, add one 15-ounce can of diced organic tomatoes, juice and all. Once the tomatoes are incorporated, add one small can of tomato paste and 2 tablespoons of molasses. Cook for about 2 more minutes.

Now add the spices - 2 tablespoons ground cumin, 2 tablespoons chili powder, 1 tablespoon smoked paprika, 1 teaspoon salt, and a good grinding of black peppercorns.  If you want a little more kick, add some cayenne pepper to your liking. Stir well and simmer on low for 5 minutes.

Pour the sauce over the top of the pork loan, cover with a tight-fitting lid, and cook on low for 8 to 10 hours.  About 1 hour before you are ready to serve, remove the lid and shred the pork using two forks.  Put the lid back on and let it bubble away for one more hour.  I dare you to stay out of it that long!

Serve with a side salad and your favorite beverage.

Serves 8 really hungry adults, or 10 to 12 adults and kids.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Grilled Cheese and Kale

Consumer Reports on Health recently published their analysis of fruits and vegetables, and kale came out as the most nutritious vegetable you can eat. You can tell by the number of varieties in the stores that I'm not the only one who loves this super food.  It tastes like very mild broccoli, sometimes with a spicy kick. If you're not sure which kind to try, just dive in and get a couple of varieties.  They aren't expensive, and you can do unbelievable things with them. I got my son to drink some in a smoothie with blueberries today, and he loved it.

Now, about this delicious sandwich I had for lunch.

First, you have to start with great bread. A flavorful, dark, nutty bread is my preference. The Essential Baking Company's Super Seeded Multi-Grain Gluten-Free Bread is pictured above. It is "Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Nut-Free, Soy-Free" and "made in a dedicated gluten-free bakery" - it does contain sunflower seeds. The slices are a little smaller than a typical wheat loaf from the grocery store, and this bread is very hearty and dense.  I buy it at Costco.  Whatever you do, use your favorite, because this is comfort food, baby!

Next, select a tangy cheese.  I went with colby-jack this time. It melts well and has just enough bite to let you know you are eating something with substance. I used just over an ounce.

Wash about one cup of kale and dry it in a paper towel.  Chop it in a food processor or hand chop it into tiny bits. You want it to wilt quickly into the melted cheese.

How you cook this is up to you.  If you have a panini grill, that's the best option.  I don't, so I just use a good old skillet pre-heated on medium.  Butter the outside of one slice of bread and put it in the pan.  Add the cheese, then layer the kale atop the cheese.  Butter the other piece of bread and place it on top (butter side out).  When you see the cheese starting to melt, flip the sandwich and let the other side get golden brown.

Serve with a large napkin and a smile.